[FLORA.org HelpDesk] List-Id header in mailing lists.
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Russell McOrmond
2004-08-10 18:39:13 UTC
This message is to any of the list managers who are running @flora.org
lists. There is a header that has become quite popular for identifying
what mailing list a message was distributed by. It is used by many people
to filter lists into different folders when they receive them.

I recommend adding this header to the various lists which people manage.
For Majordomo1 it is done using the message_headers option.

# message_headers [string_array] (undef) <resend,digest>
# These headers will be appended to the headers of the posted
# message. The text is expanded before being used. The following
# expansion tokens are defined: $LIST - the name of the current
# list, $SENDER - the sender as taken from the from line, $VERSION,
# the version of majordomo.
message_headers << END
List-Id: <$LIST.flora.org>
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
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Message part of the FLORA.org HelpDesk: http://www.flora.org/flora/help/
Russell McOrmond
2004-08-10 18:39:50 UTC
Post by Russell McOrmond
lists. There is a header that has become quite popular for identifying
what mailing list a message was distributed by. It is used by many people
to filter lists into different folders when they receive them.
Forgot to add a URL for the techie types in this list. The RFC
reference was sent by MCR:

List-Id: A Structured Field and Namespace for the Identification of
Mailing Lists
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
Petition for Users' Rights, Protect Internet creativity and innovation
Canadian Election 2004: http://digital-copyright.ca/
Find out where parties and candidates stand on important Tech issues!
Message part of the FLORA.org HelpDesk: http://www.flora.org/flora/help/