[FLORA.org HelpDesk] Fw: MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_resend)
(too old to reply)
Krishna E. Bera
2004-05-07 02:22:38 UTC
is this the kind of errors you want to hear about from the Perl upgrade?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 22:17:37 -0400
From: owner-nowar-***@flora.org
To: owner-nowar-***@flora.org
Subject: MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_resend)


MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_resend)!!

Mailer /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oee -fowner-nowar-***@flora.org nowar-post,nobody exited unexpectedly with error 65535

Message part of the FLORA.org HelpDesk: http://www.flora.org/flora/help/
Russell McOrmond
2004-05-07 17:09:28 UTC
I would need a lot more details than what you sent before I can do
anything. These details don't need to be sent in the list.

If there is an intermittent problem there will be other reasons for it.
This list obviously works so whatever the problem was isn't still
happening. It could have been an error that happened during the upgrade
Post by Krishna E. Bera
is this the kind of errors you want to hear about from the Perl upgrade?
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 22:17:37 -0400
Subject: MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_resend)
MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_resend)!!
Message part of the FLORA.org HelpDesk: http://www.flora.org/flora/help/
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
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Message part of the FLORA.org HelpDesk: http://www.flora.org/flora/help/