Russell McOrmond
2006-02-12 16:27:20 UTC
I'm just letting people know about this. I think these messages are
from AOL. Since there is no SPAM received from FLORA addresses, I'm
assuming it is people who disagree with mailing lists they have
subscribed to.
My advice for people is to move away from AOL as a provider for their
email if they want to reliably receive mail.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AOL email concerns for
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 10:22:26 -0500 (EST)
From: ***
You are receiving this message via our automated "Report Card" process
(which helps analyze AOL's Internet inbound mail) because our available
data indicate that has risen above the acceptable threshold
for complaints:
*Complaint rate: 3.06%
AOL takes proactive steps to contact owners of mail servers whose e-mail
transmissions are impairing the functioning of AOL's proprietary
e-mail system, or causing significant levels of AOL customer complaints.
AOL requests that you take immediate steps to resolve the issues
identified in this AOL Report Card. In the absence of a satisfactory
resolution, AOL reserves the right to take measures to protect its email
network and its member goodwill from any possible damage. These
measures may include declining to accept e-mail transmissions from through AOL's proprietary e-mail network.
AOL strives to provide the best online experience possible for our
members, and we pride ourselves on being intensely focused on consumers
and their needs. Email is a core feature of the AOL service, and the
proper functioning of AOL's e-mail system is vital to our members' goodwill.
Please review AOL's e-mail policies and guidelines, as well as other
technical details concerning e-mail on the AOL network, at
This is an automated notification. Replies to this email will not be
answered. You can find more information concerning report cards at
AOL is eager for you to resolve these issues expeditiously, so we can
continue to provide the best possible e-mail service to our members.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
*Complaint rate based on mail delivered to the inbox.
from AOL. Since there is no SPAM received from FLORA addresses, I'm
assuming it is people who disagree with mailing lists they have
subscribed to.
My advice for people is to move away from AOL as a provider for their
email if they want to reliably receive mail.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AOL email concerns for
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 10:22:26 -0500 (EST)
From: ***
You are receiving this message via our automated "Report Card" process
(which helps analyze AOL's Internet inbound mail) because our available
data indicate that has risen above the acceptable threshold
for complaints:
*Complaint rate: 3.06%
AOL takes proactive steps to contact owners of mail servers whose e-mail
transmissions are impairing the functioning of AOL's proprietary
e-mail system, or causing significant levels of AOL customer complaints.
AOL requests that you take immediate steps to resolve the issues
identified in this AOL Report Card. In the absence of a satisfactory
resolution, AOL reserves the right to take measures to protect its email
network and its member goodwill from any possible damage. These
measures may include declining to accept e-mail transmissions from through AOL's proprietary e-mail network.
AOL strives to provide the best online experience possible for our
members, and we pride ourselves on being intensely focused on consumers
and their needs. Email is a core feature of the AOL service, and the
proper functioning of AOL's e-mail system is vital to our members' goodwill.
Please review AOL's e-mail policies and guidelines, as well as other
technical details concerning e-mail on the AOL network, at
This is an automated notification. Replies to this email will not be
answered. You can find more information concerning report cards at
AOL is eager for you to resolve these issues expeditiously, so we can
continue to provide the best possible e-mail service to our members.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
*Complaint rate based on mail delivered to the inbox.
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
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Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
2415+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording,
Movie and "software manufacturing" industries from modernization. Sign-->